Hyperactivity of attention deficit hyperactivity d 注意缺陷多动障碍
Aleutian disease mink disease 阿留申貂病
Anti-disease and Preventing Disease 抗病防病
disease and disease cause 病害病因
Endemic disease of arsenic disease 地方性砷中毒
Heidenreich’s disease [=histolytic disease] 赫恩滋氏体
Hirschsprung’s disease and its allied disease 巨结肠及其类缘病
HIV disease resulting in cytomegaloviral disease 人类免疫缺陷病毒病造成的巨细胞病毒感染
Hodgkin’s disease Hodgkin’s disease 未特指; 霍奇金氏病
Hodgkin’s disease other Hodgkin’s disease 其他霍奇金病
insect borne disease, arthropod borne disease 虫媒疾病
Neck vertebral disease and Lumbar vertebra disease 颈椎慢性损伤
psychological disease with physical disease 躯体疾病伴发精神
pulmonary heart disease with coronary heart disease 肺心病合并冠心病
Wen Disease febrile disease 温病
treatment of disease must concentrate on the principle cause of disease 治病求本
Huangyao Disease (loin wabble disease) 晃腰病
Ⅰ type hypersensitivity Ⅰ型过敏反应
Ⅰtype hypersensitivity Ⅰ型过敏反应